Council Members

07770 299715

Cllr John Francis

West Ward

John Francis moved to Prospect Road, Southborough from North London in 1988.  John worked for 36 years for the Office for National Statistics, where he specialised in computer programming for Social Surveys.  Since then, he has worked for Ipsos MORI as a sampling consultant. He was elected to the West Ward in 2023.

Cllr Francis is a director of Tunbridge Wells Youth FC (previously named Ridgewaye FC) and is a qualified coach & referee. He is a regular litter picker with Southborough SOS. He can often be seen jogging round Southborough’s streets. John was Elected Mayor of Southborough And High Brooms in May 2024

‘My children were born and raised in Southborough.  I’ve always liked the sense of community and friendship in our town.  We love the place.”

Committees: Finance & General Purposes Committee