Council Motto: “Propria Tuemur – We take good care of the things which belong to us”
The Town Council’s main responsibility is the maintenance and care of Town Council-owned land, including Southborough Common, Local Playing Fields, Recreation Grounds, Allotments, Holden Pond, Southborough War Memorial and Southborough Cemetery. A full list of Town Council-owned land is listed below.
In 2021, we took ownership of the new Southborough Civic Centre on London Road in the heart of Southborough, where the new Council Offices are located. Our amazing new town facility includes a large hall/theatre space and community rooms for hire, all set within a new town square and home to key community services, like Southborough Library, St Andrew’s Medical Centre and Day Lewis Pharmacy.
Southborough Town Council take care of Town Council-owned land/property and act as a consultee on planning and transportation matters, but all services fall to the wider branches of government at borough and county level.
Tunbridge Wells Borough Council is the principal local authority for key services and Southborough and High Brooms falls under their jurisdiction: www.tunbridgewells.gov.uk
All Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Services are delivered face-to-face out of the Gateway. However, the main Town Hall houses the majority of staff providing services and they can be contacted by telephoning the main switchboard number listed below.
Services (non-exhaustive): Cemetery and Crematorium Services, Council Tax and Benefits, Electoral Registration and Voting, Environmental Health, Housing and Benefits, Licensing, Parking and Street Scene, Parks and Open Spaces, Planning and Building Control, Refuse and Recycling Collection.
Tunbridge Wells Borough Council, Town Hall, Civic Way, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 1RS
Tel: 01892 526121
Kent County Council runs wider services within the county: www.kent.gov.uk
KCC provide a range of services for residents and visitors in Kent, working closely with district, town and parish councils and sharing some services.
Services (non-exhaustive): Adoption and Fostering, Adult Education, Adult Social Care, Arts and Culture, Children’s and Families Social Services, Community Safety, Concessionary Travel, Highway Maintenance, Planning and Land Use, Libraries and Archives, Pavements, Environmental and Public Health, Public Rights of Way, Public Transport, Recycling, Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Road Safety, Schools, Street Lighting, Trading Standards, Traffic and Parking, Transport Planning and Policy.
Kent County Council, County Hall, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1XQ
Tel: 03000 414141
KCC Highways is part of KCC and handles highways matters. You can report issues to them by telephone or by using their online portal: www.kent.gov.uk/roads-and-travel/report-a-problem
Tel: 03000 418181
Coppice of Trees Petanque Ground, Yew Tree Road
Crundwell Road Community Centre, Crundwell Road
Crundwell Road Recreation Ground, Crundwell Road
Frank Weare Recreation Ground, Frank Weare Road
Gordon Road Rest Garden
Hilly Fields, Pennington Road
Hockey Field, off Yew Tree Road
Holden Pond and adjacent land at Holden Corner
Pennington Grounds, Pennington Road
Ridgewaye Allotments
Ridgewaye Playing Fields
Southborough Cemetery, Victoria Road
Southborough Civic Centre, Town Square & The Depot, London Road
Southborough Common
St Andrews: land at Scout Hut and Sports Pavilion
St. Peters Closed Churchyard (Town-Council Managed Only)
Yew Tree Road Allotments
Yew Tree Playing Fields
Wheeler’s Field and The Piggery, High Brooms