Council Members

01892 641352

Cllr Jason Reeves

West Ward

Jason has been a Southborough resident for 15 years, moving here with his family to be closer to his parents.  Jason works for Vodafone on complex technology projects. Cllr Reeves is a keen runner and cyclist.

Jason and his wife Jeni have 2 children who went to our fantastic Southborough COE Primary School, where he has been a governor for over 12 years.

“The school’s in our town are a central part of our community bringing together the children, parents and grandparents. Our families are the heart of our community and I believe it is super important to give our children the best start in life. This is my second term as a Southborough Councillor and I am looking forward to helping and supporting our community to thrive.”

Committees: Finance & General Purposes Committee/Planning