Will Tell and The Big Bad Baron

Southborough Civic Centre - Unity Hall 137 London Road, Southborough, KENT, United Kingdom

Inspired by the tales of Robin Hood and Sir Lancelot, young Will Tell sets off on a chivalric quest to rescue her legendary father from the wicked Big Bad Baron’s deepest darkest dungeon.   Plucky Will is not afraid of standing up to a tyrant but has no idea what to do when the Baron’s […]


Winter Fayre

Southborough Civic Centre - Unity Hall 137 London Road, Southborough, KENT, United Kingdom

The Princess and the Winter Dragon

Southborough Civic Centre - Unity Hall 137 London Road, Southborough, KENT, United Kingdom

Wintertide is approaching in the Kingdom of Yule, but the weather is warm and balmy with not a single sign of snow! The villagers fear the annual Festival of Ice will be ruined and blame a rumbly dragon in the mountains.   To save the day, Princess Noelle is given a quest: journey to the […]



Southborough Civic Centre - Unity Hall 137 London Road, Southborough, KENT, United Kingdom

    Two silly scientists are on the edge of a perfect experiment – and the results could seriously change the world! But what if it’s not all about getting it right?   Pointy Finger prove that happy accidents lead to the greatest discoveries – whether you want a Nobel Prize or just some crunchy […]


Roald Dahl and the Imagination Seekers

Southborough Civic Centre - Unity Hall 137 London Road, Southborough, KENT, United Kingdom

All around the world Roald Dahl’s words are disappearing not only from books but children’s minds too! Now only a Secret Organization known as The Ancient Guild of Taletenders can save the stories and they need your help…   Specially made for ages 5 and up, the show is an immersive and interactive performance, involving […]
